Thursday, June 9, 2022

Neon Gods , Katee Robert Book Review and Thoughts (spoilers!)

 So .. I thought I would review a few spicy books that I read during my off time from my complicated mess of a life. So the latest one is Neon Gods , By Katee Robert This is another retelling of the Greek gods tale Of Hades and Persephone .. When I tell you this book surprised me it surprised me. I bought this book on the whim and discovered that this was one of many books by Katee Robert .. Including what I call her twisted Disney Series.. and the latest book I am reading.

So back to hades and Persephone .. one of the reasons I am a hot mess .. I love a dark man.. who has a past .. and falls for the girl who isn't even remotely interested but finds love. Katee brings the world of the Greek Gods and Goddesses to a more modern view point with social media , high rises and lore. I was constantly imaging how modern Olympus would look in this time and age. And definitely it was a dream to think how this would look. Persephone although a flawed heroine was definitely someone I could relate to , due to the complex.. oh so perfect innocence that she was forced to fit the role. By the end of the journey .. her walk in her "dark" gown is perfection. I love the timeline of their love story from wanting to use each other for each others gain to . Hades watching Persephone , play with puppies that he adopted. Can I also comment on his nickname for her ? " Little Siren... " I officially have a new nickname I would love someone to give me..
I know this first review is a bit kinda of random thoughts.. but enjoy.. my kinky readers.